... and meanwhile in Ottawa, the 'vaxed-up' coward uses 'the vid' again as an excuse to run and hide (quarantine) from another situation that requires real leadership.

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All these mandates that despicable little puke of a wimp and his health departments heads invoked to control and put pain and pressure on the people who refused to be Guinea Pigs for Government and Big Pharma and this 77 year old (at the time) unvaxxed and never flue shoted retired trucker / mobile crane operator was healthy and still today remains a pure blood and is just one of millions who had the guts and the brains to see that this Plandemic was invoked by Communist China to help weaken the Western countries economies and our governments overreacted and through their panic disregarded their planned procedures and used fear to exert their new found power and control on us “little people” which to the day they still retain

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A thought just entered my head - Justin Trudeau will not only good down on Canadian History as the most gated and despised P.M. but also the one who changed the name of Ottawa’s Parliament Hill to Canada’s Tianamen Square

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Peter, I like that. I will use it when writing about Covi reactions by governments

BTW, you and I share age as I will hit 79 this summer. Also, I’m retired from industrial construction, taking your deliveries and building factories, cheers.

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