Who are Les Farfadaas?
Spokesperson Steeve Charland says his group fed the homeless after shelters barred the unvaccinated.
Part 1: Who is Steeve Charland? Part 2: Who are Les Farfadaas? Part 3: Rideau & Sussex: The Balloon Deflates Part 4: O Canada, What Kind of Hellhole are We Turning Into?
Steeve Charland looks like he’s stepped out of a French Canadian folk song. Long ponytail down his back. Dangling left earring. A scarf around his neck. He’s the official spokesperson for an entity he calls Les Farfadets - more widely known as Les Farfadaas. While testifying at an Emergencies Act hearing last week, he described this entity as
a protest movement, a movement that stands up for justice and takes care of the forgotten…People who have been forgotten by the system, especially during this [COVID] crisis. People who are unable to eat. We did a lot of grocery shopping, we fed homeless people, we dressed them. For the past two years, we have done a lot for the common people who could not take care of themselves. [page 154 of the official transcript; translation by Google translate]
Quebec’s COVID measures, he says, left the homeless out in the cold. In his words,
because the majority of homeless people are not vaccinated, they did not have their health pass, they could not enter [shelters], they couldn't sleep in the heat, they couldn't have a hot meal. [p. 186]
In French farfadet means leprechaun or elf.
A CBC news story about Steve’s arrest includes a photo of the group’s flag. Here’s a better one, posted recently to a flag aficionados group on Reddit.
Scary looking, isn’t it? A cartoon elf saying “Hey, hello.”
People who call themselves leprechauns and fly this flag must surely be dangerous.
Remember, Steeve has already spent 23 days in jail. Prior to his side of the story being heard in a court of law. He is accused of the high crime of mischief in connection to the Freedom Convoy.
After his arrest Le Devoir, a Quebec French-language newspaper, didn’t champion his civil rights. It dismissed him as a conspiracy theorist.
Part 1: Who is Steeve Charland? Part 2: Who are Les Farfadaas? Part 3: Rideau & Sussex: The Balloon Deflates Part 4: O Canada, What Kind of Hellhole are We Turning Into?
I want to be part of the Les Farfadaas!
I hope Steeve Charland somehow finds your blog Donna - and finds at least one journalist striving to present the truth..