Over the long weekend, Conservative MP Martin Shields held his 'Library Fundraising Event' after the local parade. I had written to Martin a few years ago regarding the censorship I was experiencing on the CBC website. His written reply: "The Liberals/Trudeau appreciate that the CBC act as their publicity arm! This gov't also likes the idea of censorship - nuts!"
Well, Martin is now a recipient of "Opa's Convoy Letters"..and on that personalized note he sent years ago, I replied: "A gift for you, Martin. Please see this gets into our Library System. Censorship IS nuts.*"
*Note: All future donations to the Conservative Party of Canada require that book to be in the library system.
He knows
Over the long weekend, Conservative MP Martin Shields held his 'Library Fundraising Event' after the local parade. I had written to Martin a few years ago regarding the censorship I was experiencing on the CBC website. His written reply: "The Liberals/Trudeau appreciate that the CBC act as their publicity arm! This gov't also likes the idea of censorship - nuts!"
Well, Martin is now a recipient of "Opa's Convoy Letters"..and on that personalized note he sent years ago, I replied: "A gift for you, Martin. Please see this gets into our Library System. Censorship IS nuts.*"
*Note: All future donations to the Conservative Party of Canada require that book to be in the library system.
Thank you! I appreciate the support.