Quite a career path! Another sleazy slimy worm - now in the senate. Thank you Donna, for your careful investigation... I learn so much from you.

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Holly crap!! - I’ve been a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793 since 1970 and having retired at the end of 2011 but still paying 1/2 dues as a retiree member. I know I spoke to a couple of my ex - workmates and they were smart enough to realize the dangers and said they hadn’t and would never get jabbed! Missed attending the last few yearly general Membership Meetings- but I’ll make it a point be attending the next one in our Oakville headquarters and I will bring this up and when I get upset - I GET LOUD!! - thank you Donna for the information - boy - you would make a better detective than half the police detectives employed today!

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Notice how he is listed as affiliated only with the Independent Senators Group (not affiliated with the Liberal Party) - how do we get to find out how he votes today on the final Senate vote on Bill -11? Any guesses what his vote will be - I’ll bet my right arm it will be a yes!!

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C-11 was passed by the Senate yesterday. You are correct, Peter. Mr. Yussuff was among the 43 senators who voted Yes - compared to 15 who voted No. See near the bottom of this page: https://sencanada.ca/en/content/sen/chamber/441/debates/096db_2023-02-02-e?language=e

(For the non-Canadians reading this, C-11 is a highly problematic bill that empowers government censorship online. More info here: https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2023/02/bill-c-11-is-back/ )

We are supposed to have 105 senators. At the moment there's only 93, because the Prime Minister has failed to fill empty seats. A full 35 of our existing Senators didn't bother to vote on this bill.

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In July I told my Doctor, I will not be bullied, bribed or black mailed. I can be convinced with real information and data. Funny how they stick to the first three plus unsupported platitudes and do not even try to provide real evidence to support their position.

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Clarification: July of 2021.

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