Donna - I am pretty sure in the Maritime provinces there were similar restrictions except for Sobeys who remained open to all.

In Burlington, where Fortinos was like Nazis if you entered without a mask, Sobeys never said a word. I was going to write a letter to Sobeys head office to thank them but decided instead to thank the store manager in case I got him in trouble with his head office. And I did all my shopping at Sobeys going forward and so did the other freedom fighters I knew and let the manager know why.

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The family general store with 2 fuel pumps in a little town 8 km away insisted I go back out to my car to get a mask when I entered to pay for the fuel I had pumped - the son wasted more time arguing with me than if he allowed the payment transaction to take place then I would have left on understandingly friendly terms - I haven’t entered that store / business since snd never will - if I need a bottle of pop, bag of ice, a can of beer or 10 litres of fuel for the lawnmower - I Will do without or drive 25 kms into the city - small hard facts of life this pig headed “KAREN” operation is now living with due to arrogant stupidity!

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My expectation of finding principled businesses left me when the law courts ruled that the baker must bake the cake for the gay couple. Pragmatically, the average citizen has taken the viewpoint that compliance is the way to avoid confrontation and is not disturbed by paying taxes to help prosecute victims of government over-reach. Regrettably, the willingness to toe-the-line when faced with arbitrary rules begins in school. It's a long ways up from the deep hole we are in.

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Walmart - the billionaire Walton Family. Selling you Chinese made goods, using cheap American/Canadian labor. So cheap that many US Walmart staff require food stamps to make ends meet.

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We have a friend who is allergic to some of the contents of the vax. AHS would not give him an exemption but rather suggested he could spend a couple days in the hospital where they would monitor him after getting the shot. He declined.

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In what medical universe does being admitted to hospital in order to get a vaccine that doesn’t even stop transmission make any bleeping sense?

If medical personnel were prepared to behave so illogically in that instance, it really makes you wonder about other things that go on in hospitals, now doesn’t it?

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The abuse and cynicism wasn't Walmart or Costco or corporations or even government. It was people. Name names.

Doug McMillon is the President and CEO of Walmart. Horacio Barbeito was the CEO of Walmart Canada in 2019-June 2022. He is responsible for making Walmart an instrument of oppression. June 2022-Jan 2023 Walmart Canada was run by JP Suarez. Now it's Gonzalo Gebara.

Did any of these people apologize for Walmart's craven cooperation in trampling on Canadians? After all, it was their decision. Has anyone called them to account? No phone calls to the executive offices, asking what gives?

Rachel Brand is Walmart's Chief Legal Officer. Did she weigh in on the legality of excluding the un((sic)vaccinated for no rational cause? Or on the conscious endangerment of children?

Walmart has a "Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer." Ethics! What a concept! The Walmart Ethics Officer is Chris Cyrenne. Did he have any conscious ethical qualms about Walmart's officers deciding to violate the Nuremberg Code? Did Chief Legal Officer Rachel Brand supply her juridical acumen?

Did Legal or Ethics convey any reservations to Doug McMillon or Horacio Barbeito?

People make these criminal decisions. Not faceless corporations.

Write an Op-Ed, Donna. Name the names. Ask the questions.

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Excellent points, Pat.

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On the same note: The CEO's of our 5 major Banks should have told Trudeau to take a flying leap when he asked them to freeze accounts. If they had what could Trudeau have done. Actually, all 5 are big enough that any one of them could have told him to buzz off and really what could Trudeau do about it.

I believe that the U.S. banks did refuse, although it was because they did not want to be in trouble with U.S. regulators.

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