read Part 1 of this series here: Fireworks & Applause previous installment: Fork in the Road

AUTHOR NOTE: When I initially published this material about Jake & Lynnette, trucker & wife from Saskatoon, they were out-of-the-country. I wasn’t certain if the videos on which I was basing my research were backed up, and worried they might get censored by Facebook. I therefore assigned this couple the pseudonyms Ted & Sally. After they returned, they backed up their videos & consented to the use of their real names.
The Freedom Convoy was self-organizing. Individuals who didn’t know each other, strangers from different parts of the country, teamed up. These people all took a leap of faith. They placed their trust in one another.
The truckers problem-solved on the fly. They nimbly altered their plans when it made sense to do so. They watched out for each other - and for others. On January 27th, the day the Convoy left Thunder Bay and split in two, the radio chatter was substantial:
Adapt and overcome, fellas. That’s what we’re doing here…
…We’re looking real good up here. It’s nice and tight. You guys are doing an awesome job, fellas.
A few minutes later, there’s a warning about black ice. Then a discussion about whether or not a particular vehicle is part of the Convoy. No one’s really sure. Miles down the road, another exchange makes it clear the Freedom Convoy is being respectful toward non-convoy truck drivers:
All Convoy in the right lane. Let all the working guys by…You’ve got yourself a big truck coming up. He’s got his four-ways on. 18-wheeler hauling groceries. He’s working…Yep, don’t block him guys, let him go…
…Working truck coming up. Wide load, give him room. Wide load coming up.
A few hours later, as they traverse Highway 11 - which is a single lane in each direction, with nothing but highway paint in between, a similar attitude is on display. Shift over, if you can. Make room for those working on deadline:
We got a bunch of 18s [18-wheelers heading] towards you guys. Let’s open up the road. A long line of them.
Everyday courtesy. Decency. At the same time that the mainstream media was fanning hysteria about the Convoy behaving violently once it reached Ottawa, this is what was actually going on.
next installment: Give That Man a Hug read Part 1 of this series here: Fireworks & Applause
Please keep it up, Donna. We really need you and all the guys now more than ever. The whole world is going nuttier by the day. Scare and control is getting worse, rather than better. The guys have shown they can keep it together and keep doing what has to be done. We all need to follow their example.
Wow, you are so accurately depicting what went on. So much so, that your writings bring me right back to those days. Thank you for that. Keep up the great work!!!