WE are only two weeks away from the third anniversary of this live special:....Feb 2021 -- "...guest host Danielle Smith interviews the former head of Alberta Emergency Management Lt. Colonel David Redmond on Alberta’s pandemic response. Redman gives a presentation on COVID-19 responses in other jurisdictions along with Alberta along with how ineffective lockdowns have been in controlling infection rates or mortality. A fantastic show debunking a number of COVID-19 myths and exposing flawed government policy in response to the pandemic. Questions from listeners are answered and a great discussion between Smith and Redmond on the pandemic rounds out the show. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 🎁🎉🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉. ...and now, Premier Smith is paying Preston Manning $250k to have us listen to the same thing.

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I watched that interview and it was very interesting. Do you have a link to it? If so please share it.

BTW, I had the opportunity to speak briefly with David at the last 2 Freedom Conferences and I can tell you that he and others in the emergency field have been very frustrated.

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my wife and I attended an event sponsored by the PPC here in central Alberta back in I think was 2021. It was filled with freedom loving (non-masked) people then. How sad it was to learn for the first time that our government(s) had provincial plans to deal with a crisis effectively and promptly (as they had done when 9/11 happened) and was ignored.

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In my humble but determined opinion - I believe that not only the politicians and the health department officials owe each and everyone of us an apology and should be held accountable, but the these super powerful- All Knowing - supposedly impartial judges who towed the government’s lines without exerting any due diligence whatsoever and convicted and sentenced (still being done today) - must not only be publicly outed but and forced to apologize publicly but also penalized with a substantial pay reduction for at least a couple years! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE IF THE PUBLIC’S FAITH IS EVER EXPECTED TO BE RESTORED IN Our POLICE, POLITICIANS, HEALTHCARE OFFICIALS AND OUR PRESENTLY (IN)JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!

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Further to Critical's comment:

In October 2021 Lt. Col. David Redmond (Former head of Alberta Emergency Management) also spoke to The Freedom Conference. Here is a link to the conference videos, his presentation was the second one. https://freedomtalk.ca/conferences/conference-october-2021/

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Uniform silence is very suspicious. One would think one responsible group, at least, would speak out But evidently not.

Possible explanations for such universal silence are that people were quietly threatened into silence, or that they were paid for silence. Either way, the unnecessary deaths and injuries warrant a criminal investigation. Malfeasance in office is the only conceivable diagnosis.

The same official silence reigned in the US. The same uniform collusion of medical boards. The same crime of malfeasance is in evidence.

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David - thank you, thank you , thank you Sir - that 57 min video is priceless! -- Recently Preston Manning has been contracted to hold an inquiry on that exact topic for a quarter million dollars by the premier of Alberta -- all the Premier needed to do was daily follow the Thank the Truckers podcast and follow all the comments as this old man does daily and there She would have found all the info and the distinguished Gentleman to present it. That info I just heard has still got my jaw dropped!!!

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Apologies also to Critical for not including you in the thank you to David- sorry

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Again thank to Donna’s never ending determination to do all and everything possible to fight and help us all to achieve victory in this battle for future democracy for the future generations ! This old retired trucker / mobile crane operator salutes you Donna - you are 1 of my many Heroes!!!

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