Wow!! - as a freedom fighting/ democracy loving convoy member with Ukrainian Grandparents (Mom’s Side) and Italian Grandparents (Dad’s side), today’s entry Donna has a very powerful emotional impact on me! I was lucky enough to have the privilege to attend the Whitby portion of Christine Anderson’s Canada Tour and didn’t make it home till midnight- that 401 drive reminded me of the 6 AM arrival home from Ottawa that Sat morning of the History Making Trudeau’s answer to Canadian demands for their Charter Rights! I realize how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to show my gratitude , Love , Respect and Appreciation to Christine and have the opportunity and privilege to actually give her a hug! Donna, you as well are doing more than your share in this ongoing battle war against Global tyranny- I can’t put into words my feelings of debt we all owe you for your contribution to this WAR we all are fighting for our Grandchildren’s Grandchildren- THANK YOU DONNA!

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It's amazing how important international support has been the last few years. We need to know we're not alone. It's so important to reach out and support each other. I gives me the chills to see the Canadian flag flown around the world.

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