A HEATED portapotty! Who knew! Great idea..

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The best of humanity working together for the common good. It will go down in history as a sign of the turning tide. However, for those of us alive now, we never see the Trucker movement glamorized in the public realm. It is more likely to be painted as a violent, white supremacist gathering with ties to foreign powers. And right now, the uprisings across Europe, the masses of people rising up in France? Your average person lives in a blind state. It's so very frustrating to be unable to share the beauty of this movement with so many friends and family. Glad to have you Donna, and my close circle.

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So true Meg - just thought I’d mention (for anyone in Southern Ontario), that the documentary movie titled “Unacceptable?”(produced by Eagle vision Video Productions of Fort St. John BC) - is going to be in Hamilton on April 21 (Fri.) - doors open at 6 p.m. guest speakers at 6:30, movie starts at 7:00 thru 9:30 and meat & mingle till 10;30 - tickets are $48.31 I believe- Planning on inviting some of my family and friends who never bothered to check things out themselves back in Feb 22 to come and get educated and maybe change their views on the REALITIES Of THE TRUTH!

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Imagine a country that did not have a rentseeking/gatekeeping bureaucratic siting on every shoulder monitoring and restricting every act attempted by compassionate individuals.

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