We are thankful

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I was watching a Lauralynn podcast last night and she interviewed a nurse who is seriously injured from her forced vaccine shots and how many people have died and others still dieing suddenly while the health dept heads and Governments are still pushing for parents to get their toddlers jabbed - how much worse would those evil tyrannical Mass killing population reduction programs be if the Trucker Convoy To Ottawa hadn’t happened?

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Peter, how could it be any worse? Last night Trudope and his Libs., with the help of the NDP, shut down debate on C-11 and rammed it through Parliment. Can he have learned anything at all about the Canadian people? Does he continue to simply not care. Papa Shwaub still in total control? Leslyn Lewis asked in Parliment who he and Freeland are really working for. Are we not worth any kind of an answer? Trudope has made noises about an early election. Wanna bet? Just how do we read this? I can only keep saying Thank You to the truckers and to Donna for never letting them be forgotten. But we have to keep carrying on! Let’s go, Pierre! Let’s really have an election - without interference!!

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