Some excellent points re who actually experienced “violence”!

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Agreed. And I am sick of this snobby classist crap parading as sensitivity to 'marginal people'. My son is trans and gay and has never been more rejected and excluded than by the COVID vax maniacs.

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Ms. Charette has “defined” violence right out of existence. It’s everything or nothing, anything you want. Any highfallutin waffle can stop the whole thing dead. Who could, or would want to, discuss/debate that sort of thing. I think it’s typical of what you get from Libs. now. Did Trudeau give any sort of a straight answer to Xi’s criticism? Any world leader likely to try now? So who in Canada, according to Ms. Charette, has experienced violence on the part of the government/ Trudeau? Why, all of us, of course. And we will experience more, we can be sure.

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If violence is the requirement to initiate the Emergencies Act, these authorities have set the bar so low that it can always be invoked and their power structure is fixed rather than dependent on defined circumstances. Once again we are shown the value of defining your terms and the ability of the human mind to stretch poor definitions to ridiculous limits.

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