Wow - when I review 1 plus 3 weeks of a combination Canadian love fest and protest against Government overreaching / mandated policies and the 11 day French Revolution 2 occurring presently in France and then I compare some of the under oath statements of Some of Canada’s Cabinet Members who were involved with dealing with the “3 Week OCCUPATION OF CANADA’S TIANAMEN SQUARE” such as David LAMETTI who claimed to to have such fear for his safety because of the degree of violence he felt that the truckers and protest supporters presented to his safety required him to be escorted by armed RCMP cops to and from his hotel daily for the first week until he fled out of the Capital and went into hiding in Quebec! Has anyone heard yet of French police mounted on horse stampeding packed crowds trampling senior women with walkers, freezing their bank accounts by utilizing the power of invoking the EMA Powers for the first time since 1988. This is all the results of Tyrannical Governments that do not understand the true meaning of the words Democracy versus Communistic Governments!

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you made me cry -- again!

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