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great to read this!

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Ya, the beatings haven't been proven in court - the video evidence has been available online since day 1. Really Can't Manage Policing and their head stooge, Brenda Lucki, allowed a killer to own a complete replica of a police car. How does that happen 🤔 ? Oh ya...the fix is in. Not one cop will go down or face retribution of any kind. Our government wanted them to do even more. Guaranteed. Now it will be years of lawyers making bank and the decision will be years away... probably declared moot. This gubberment is a complete joke. And they are all giving themselves raises April 1st...and increasing your taxes to help 'save the planet'. Insert barf emoji here.

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Critical is probably right that police brutality will somehow not get addressed but every day I am reading about lawsuits- Druthers is suing BMO who froze their account the day BEFORE the government closed so many..so maybe, just maybe justice WILL prevail!

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