
No one could, would or should trust this 'government' ever again.

Great post!👍

***National Citizens Inquiry...Day 3 live from Winnipeg on Rumble - Exposing the totalitarian activities in Canada hour by hour ***

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*IMO, the religious, sexual preference or age of the author did not need to be included because the term citizen is genderless.

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I tend to agree, as it should not be relevant. Except as noted, " The truckers were maligned as misogynist, racist, and fascist." So this does show how that the PM and others were deliberately spreading misinformation.

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Beautifully written Bliss, you have expressed yourself so well. I hope your college experience is positive. I am sure you have somehow gained from finding your way through these last horrible few years without compromising your principles.. all the best!

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Bless you and your future!

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Everyone should read this. It is a very powerful guest piece written by a teenager.

You have to ask how this period will be remembered in history. Probably depends, will freedom prevail or be lost forever?

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Wow. Powerful words. Really well written.

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