It disgraceful that Banks did that to customers. I pray for those affected by the evil intent of the fiends that run the banks.

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Agreed. The list of institutions/organizations/industries/sectors that failed the most basic integrity tests over the past two years is disturbing :-(

Personally, I find it darkly hilarious that cashiers at Value Village AREN'T ALLOWED to ask for proof that a person is, in fact, 60 years old and therefore eligible for 30% off their bills on Tuesdays (company policy, no doubt informed by legal counsel). Yet employees of hordes of stores/restaurants/pubs/fast food places/coffee shops spent months demanding vax papers AND govt ID.

Govt tells businesses they must err on the side of consumer privacy. Then the same govt mandates outrageous invasions of consumer privacy.

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A lot of people withdrew a lot of cash that week. I have heard over a billion dollars. The CEOs of the Banks should have communicated with each other and collectively told the government to go get specific court orders. They did not, they should be fired.

I wish I had thought of this before, as they had their Annual Meetings in April, but we should have encouraged all shareholders to vote their proxies to remove the Chairman, CEO's and Presidents from the Boards of Directors.

Here is a link to a photo comment I created last night about our rights, or lack thereof.


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Those words, "I said, ‘Well we’ve seen how they can do what they want over the last couple of years.’" say it all. The trucker's freedom convoy was a strong enough action to fully expose the travesty of how the government breached the 'rule of law' at the smell of the power they could wield by misstating the severity of Covid 19. That the official opposition and the legacy media raised no objections is the resulting police brutality on removing those protesters and Mr Trudeau's personal experience with crowdfunding thwarting his ability to intimidate to demanding emergency power to implement dictatorial action on his part fully. Tragically few people appreciate that freedom is lost when individuals carry out the demands of a government that's run amok without insisting on a court order to violate citizens' rights. Yes, the banks acted deplorably but I blame the opposition member firstly, the media secondly but ultimately every Canadian, myself include, who misplaced trust in a governing system that has failed. 

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