The old saying about the corrupting quality of power is proven once again. Acknowledging these abuses is only the first step to controlling them in the future. Accountability for unconstitutional actions is required as well. Some of the police refused the orders as unconstitutional. Many of the bloggers opined that the invocation of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional. In that they got it right and it took a secret legal opinion to come to an alternate conclusion, the siren call of power is clearly demonstrated. It will not get better without effort. It needs to be put back in a stronger box.

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If you believe in rights and freedom, this should terrify you. If it does not, then you are obviously okay with tyranny, or at the very least, tyranny against those who you oppose.

Here is part of my recommendation:

Anything that infringes on or even appears that it might infringe on any of our rights and freedoms, be it ever so slight, should always be subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If in the most extreme circumstances it is ever deemed necessary to infringe in any way on those rights and freedoms, then first a specific law must be enacted that meets the following criteria:

Voting Requirements for the Specific Law

For the purposes of such a vote an official party would be any party holding 10 or more seats. If there are 10 or more independents, they will be treated like an official party.

The vote should be a free vote and it should be a criminal offence for anyone, including a party leader or party whip to interfere with any members freedom to vote their conscience.

At least 50% of MPs from each official party must vote.

At least 50% of those voting from each official party must vote in favour.

At least 75% of all those voting must vote in favour.


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When I look at Justin Trudeau a. nd his team of criminal Cabinet Minster PUPPETS - all I can do is shake my head in disbelief ! If Jody Waybould Wilson had not been replaced her her joke of a replacement, does anyone think that J.T. would have gotten co-operation and approval from his Justice Ministry? Regarding the stated new and novel interpretation of what constitutes a National Security Threat- when asked to explain this interpretation, the Government said the legal opinion on which it used replied was a secret! With the important goal of investigating the invocation of the EMA - why didn’t Justice Paul Rouleau force or demand revealing of this secret novel interpretation- that was his duty to this Country and All CANADIANS!

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We in South Africa have a case going where the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs was in charge of the Covid regulations has repeatedly failed to provide records, reasons, deliberations and documentation on which she relied when she made decisions and regulations regarding national lockdown regulations as demanded by the courts.

It has now got to the stage 2 years later where she is using Stalingrad Tactics to drag out the issue. The Minister still refusing to obey court order to provide records concerning her 2020 state of disaster decisions.

Sakeliga (english translation - Business League) starts process to have Dlamini-Zuma found guilty of contempt of court.

This hoax will be exposed. It was a coordinated and orchestrated event worldwide in my view

Canada must be proud to have had such people like the truckers who have such fortitude.

Thanks Donna for the hard work.

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