What you see depends on your perspective. That is a physical as well as mental fact. The perception of truth requires open eyes, ears, and imaginations. Al Gore cannot perceive the truth that there is no "climate crisis" because he won't (or can't) look at data with an open mind. The western world seems to be suffering with his malady. Has anyone analyzed the number and nature of calls to the police before and during the trucker protest?
MP Leslyn Lewis was one of the best leaders and Conservatives for actually getting involved. She walked amongst the Canadians gathered to listen and discuss their concerns. The media refused to show her efforts, only Rebel News. Leslyn is a good person and unlike many others , deserves to use the words Right and Honourable before her name....unlike our Prime Minister.
I gave a talk about perspective to Montana Surveyors a few years ago. Here is my introduction for fun:
What you see depends on your perspective.
I worked on the pipeline survey in Alaska north of the arctic circle. My office door was right next to the radio room. I overheard this discussion—Fairbanks this is Galbrath base.- Galbrath Fairbanks go ahead.- Fairbanks- Galbrath we need a new helicopter for Atagin.-Galbrath-Fairbanks we just started working south and all the 206s are busy. You'll just have to prioritize and do with the one you got. Fairbanks-Galbraith no we don't need another chopper we need to replace the one we had.- HAD! What do you mean? What is wrong with your 206? Fairbanks- Galbrath It doesn't work now-wont fly any more. WHAT is it's problem.-------Fairbanks -Galbrath Well I think its because its upside down but the pilot says it because its underwater.
What you see depends on your perspective. That is a physical as well as mental fact. The perception of truth requires open eyes, ears, and imaginations. Al Gore cannot perceive the truth that there is no "climate crisis" because he won't (or can't) look at data with an open mind. The western world seems to be suffering with his malady. Has anyone analyzed the number and nature of calls to the police before and during the trucker protest?
MP Leslyn Lewis was one of the best leaders and Conservatives for actually getting involved. She walked amongst the Canadians gathered to listen and discuss their concerns. The media refused to show her efforts, only Rebel News. Leslyn is a good person and unlike many others , deserves to use the words Right and Honourable before her name....unlike our Prime Minister.
I gave a talk about perspective to Montana Surveyors a few years ago. Here is my introduction for fun:
What you see depends on your perspective.
I worked on the pipeline survey in Alaska north of the arctic circle. My office door was right next to the radio room. I overheard this discussion—Fairbanks this is Galbrath base.- Galbrath Fairbanks go ahead.- Fairbanks- Galbrath we need a new helicopter for Atagin.-Galbrath-Fairbanks we just started working south and all the 206s are busy. You'll just have to prioritize and do with the one you got. Fairbanks-Galbraith no we don't need another chopper we need to replace the one we had.- HAD! What do you mean? What is wrong with your 206? Fairbanks- Galbrath It doesn't work now-wont fly any more. WHAT is it's problem.-------Fairbanks -Galbrath Well I think its because its upside down but the pilot says it because its underwater.
What you see depends on your perspective.