I know of one freedom group who is actually developing their own bank. You can be certain JT won’t be freezing their bank accounts. Also, a year ago, I moved from CIBC to Duca. I make a point of doing some banking in person. The tellers KNOW ME BY NAME and I know their names! I managed to open my account without giving my SIN. (That was tricky but with such excellent personal service, they figured out how to bypass the SIN field in application.)
There are organized bartering systems springing up, alternative health (Canadian Frontline Nurses) and people working towards living in communities completely off grid.
Oh JT and company, you HAVE MADE THIS HAPPEN! Duh!
I feel EXACTLY as you say Donna. I do not feel like lifting one finger to help the government. My energy is going to help the alternative services developing.
Well Barbara - as a senior who had his joint bank account frozen and flagged for life just for being illegally parked in Ottawa for 3 weeks (without receiving a single parking ticket) - I’ve wanted from that day to closed my Canada Trust account and as soon as possible to cancel a small investment my wife had taken out o couple years ago but I haven’t found anywhere to switch to that I could trust - I promise to check into that firm you mentioned- thank you!
Thanks for another excellent entry Donna Yesterday I watched Rebel News Daily Livestream where a short portion of a video was played where a reporter asked JT if he realized it was wrong to call the Convoy a small fringe minority and he answered yes- he he did have regrets that he didn’t explain himself differently and then said what he should have said instead. My interpretation of what he said translated into calling us us all criminals guilty of manslaughter for killing thousands because of our spreading miss information and disinformation ! - His regret didn’t include an apology - it just further accused us of being guilty of being involved in a group who he accused was all guilty of murder or at least manslaughter due to our occupation and statements uttered during those 3 weeks - UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
Just rewatched that video - he didn’t claim thousands - he claimed that it was “a number of people died because of our miss information and disinformation - sorry
Well said Donna, this government has forfeited any and all moral authority to govern. That includes the back-benchers that silently collected tax dollar for the entire Covid usurpation of legitimacy. .
That's so true. And it's tragic. When you love your country you want to see it operate well, you want to know the systems are working as they should, and you dont want to jeapordize anything. When you pit the system against innocent people, you have proven not have that same sense of preserving the system of justice and democracy. It is an attempt to maintain power at the risk of destroying the system.
I know of one freedom group who is actually developing their own bank. You can be certain JT won’t be freezing their bank accounts. Also, a year ago, I moved from CIBC to Duca. I make a point of doing some banking in person. The tellers KNOW ME BY NAME and I know their names! I managed to open my account without giving my SIN. (That was tricky but with such excellent personal service, they figured out how to bypass the SIN field in application.)
There are organized bartering systems springing up, alternative health (Canadian Frontline Nurses) and people working towards living in communities completely off grid.
Oh JT and company, you HAVE MADE THIS HAPPEN! Duh!
I feel EXACTLY as you say Donna. I do not feel like lifting one finger to help the government. My energy is going to help the alternative services developing.
Well Barbara - as a senior who had his joint bank account frozen and flagged for life just for being illegally parked in Ottawa for 3 weeks (without receiving a single parking ticket) - I’ve wanted from that day to closed my Canada Trust account and as soon as possible to cancel a small investment my wife had taken out o couple years ago but I haven’t found anywhere to switch to that I could trust - I promise to check into that firm you mentioned- thank you!
Thanks for another excellent entry Donna Yesterday I watched Rebel News Daily Livestream where a short portion of a video was played where a reporter asked JT if he realized it was wrong to call the Convoy a small fringe minority and he answered yes- he he did have regrets that he didn’t explain himself differently and then said what he should have said instead. My interpretation of what he said translated into calling us us all criminals guilty of manslaughter for killing thousands because of our spreading miss information and disinformation ! - His regret didn’t include an apology - it just further accused us of being guilty of being involved in a group who he accused was all guilty of murder or at least manslaughter due to our occupation and statements uttered during those 3 weeks - UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
Just rewatched that video - he didn’t claim thousands - he claimed that it was “a number of people died because of our miss information and disinformation - sorry
Well said Donna, this government has forfeited any and all moral authority to govern. That includes the back-benchers that silently collected tax dollar for the entire Covid usurpation of legitimacy. .
That's so true. And it's tragic. When you love your country you want to see it operate well, you want to know the systems are working as they should, and you dont want to jeapordize anything. When you pit the system against innocent people, you have proven not have that same sense of preserving the system of justice and democracy. It is an attempt to maintain power at the risk of destroying the system.