I have to agree with your question “does the College think it’s in the business of forcing physicians to behave like mindless, obedient robots?”.

After 35 years in private practice as a Psychotherapist, and 10 years as a Psychoanalyst, The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (governed by same acts at CPSO and only operating since 2015) requires me to write a four hour test to maintain my license.

I am resentfully studying for this test and despairing at the efforts to create “cookie cutter clinicians” who are expected to follow a prescribed set of guidelines. IMO, healing psychological wounds is an art which requires intuition and creativity- not adherence to pages of guidelines and misconduct - all recognizing “authority of the College to discipline”.

My experienced colleagues are rolling their eyes and complying so patients can access benefits.. but I imagine new clinicians are diligently taking it all in and becoming the cookie cutter puppets thereby stifling their ability to listen thoughtfully to the stories people bring! Another brilliant move of an Ontario College supposedly protecting the health care of the public. What a freaking joke!

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Thanks for this info, Barbara. Wow! Rules & regulations are supposed to be about ensuring accountability. Yet so often they do the opposite. The enforcers of those regulations themselves become unaccountable tyrants.

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Brilliant post Donna. I'd probably write 5000 words to say roughly the same thing. ... the folly of forsaking one's independent thinking and passing control into juvenile hands.

We fail to see there are always evil vulture seeking carrion. It took the truckers to loudly proclaim, "I'm not an expendable item." to wake us up.

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Thank you, Garret

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