Pastor Art Pawlowski is a man of integrity and conviction. He is certainly a brave man IMO. Many would wither given the assault on him both mentally and physically.

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I’m sorry for missing the conference - Did Arturo describe fully how he was treated by the jail guards (and by the inmates) while incarcerated without bail? Anyone with any brains in their head would know that they were trying to break him or even kill him. Does one of the most patriotic Canadian Freedom Fighters deserve this - what has Canada called me to??

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I think only because there was such a protest outside the jail, that they know they couldn’t kill him. I read that his supporters were there every day in large numbers. What a contribution this man has made! And who knows what the personal toll has been..

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Last night I watched “Argentina 84” recommended by an Argentinian immigrant. It is on prime video and is another example of the horrors that can happen when lawlessness prevails. Thank goodness, we’re not to that level yet, but some of the freedom fighters and associated with feel it could happen in Canada if we do not remain very vigilant.

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