New Zealand also uses the term “fringe minority” and responded with police brutality similar to JT. Strange coincidence! Could it be someone higher up had a script for JT and all other world leaders?

Something interesting https://vaccineinjurysupport.ca/en

I wonder if the government offering compensation for vax injuries and deaths is to reduce number of law suits expected? Don’t believe for a second it is to help Canadians. But I am going to share this website with my vax loving friends.. perhaps it will cause them to think.

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Trial begins this week for Tamara and Chris Barber.....I'm seeing those 'scare quotes' every day in the papers, trying to make Freedom Convoy look like a fake thing, not a real thing. Is it time to write all our daily papers asking why they use quotes around that phrase? I wrote to the Hamilton Spectator about this during the Roleau enquiry - not published. I'd LOVE to see a wave of letters appearing everywhere.

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