Alberta Children's Hospital: Safe or Toxic?
Honest debate is impossible when doctors launch stealth attacks against their own colleagues.
Part 1: Children's Medical Specialist Thanks Truckers previous installment: Raise Safety Concerns, Get Accused of Spreading Misinformation
Yesterday, I explained that highly-credentialed pediatric neurologist Eric Payne stands accused of spreading misinformation. Why? Because, while on staff at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, he wrote a letter questioning the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines.
But that’s just the beginning of Dr Payne’s troubles. He faces a second complaint. Rather than engage in a face-to-face conversation, rather than talk to him, someone else filed a misinformation complaint against him. He says he’s known that individual for years. He says they work at the same hospital.
Let’s think about this for a moment. This is an institution in which people are paid, with public funds, to care for disabled kids, injured kids, kids fighting losing battles with cancer. Lives are on the line. Proper medical practice and proper decision-making are absolutely critical.
Does it really need to be said that any medical setting in which doctors fear politically-motivated stealth attacks from their colleagues is a setting that’s dangerous to the health and well-being of patients?
Here’s how the Alberta Children’s Hospital describes itself on its website:
It says people are treated with respect. It says they’re listened to. It’s says the hospital is a safe environment in which to ask questions.
But that’s not what we see here. The more one learns about Dr Payne’s case, the more the Alberta Children’s Hospital looks like a thoroughly toxic institution.
When people try and score brownie points, there is always an ulterior motive. This what Dr Payne is experienced.
Me thinks a lawsuit against that backstabbing colleague and the Alberta Children’s Hospital as well as the Alberta College of Physicians may be required to put these individuals and groups into place and make them realize that there are consequences for their abusive actions! - At least 20% of Canada’s population would be behind him.