At the bbq Dan Scott showed me his book of letters and I was impressed with it. Before Christmas my daughter Tanya said she was ordering a children’s convoy book for her two kids - told her to order 4 and have two sent to BC to other Grandkids as well - on Christmas Day saw one and wasn’t impressed. I will be ordering 8 for each of my Grandkids (aged 1 to 14)
Congratulations Donna - ordering my copy now!
Thank you, Barbara!
At the bbq Dan Scott showed me his book of letters and I was impressed with it. Before Christmas my daughter Tanya said she was ordering a children’s convoy book for her two kids - told her to order 4 and have two sent to BC to other Grandkids as well - on Christmas Day saw one and wasn’t impressed. I will be ordering 8 for each of my Grandkids (aged 1 to 14)
Oh my gosh, Peter. Thank you!