In the spirit of the mantra of the National Citizens Inquiry - "Honesty, Integrity and Accountability" - all our current politicians have NONE. We still have 338 MPs GUILTY of using public funds for coercion causing DEATH. So much for a happy 2nd anniversary. As the thousands who attended UFC in Toronto chanted in unison - FUCK TRUDEAU, FUCK TRUDEAU, FUCK TRUDEAU.... along with all the rest of the piggies at the trough

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Excellent summary Donna - good to be reminded of these details of how oppressive life was for those who refused to comply and especially the fact that even CDC acknowledged very early the vaccines were not working!

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I remember all of this, and am grateful for the list to pull it together. It was terrifying. By September 2021 I was looking for any way I could to protest--attending rallies, writing to all layers of government, signing petitions, writing to newspapers, looking to contact any resistance groups I could find--and it was all like screaming into a vacuum. No sound carried. Word of measures planned just got worse and worse and worse. No political resistance from any of the parties which should have been standing up against it--none from my neighbours, either. (Hint: I live in Ottawa, in the riding which persistently re-elects Trudeau's most obnoxiously stupid fangirl.) Everything was just falling in line... The Freedom Convoy has bought us at least a few years of relief, and I'll hope we can build on that, for more.

That said, knowing that all the legislative infrastructure implemented to control us, both Federal and provincial, is still in place--'suspended' is not repealed, for any of it, and I suspect that none of their 'planned' measures have been erased, either...I still expect to die freezing in a gulag. Likely being pinned to the floor and force-jabbed with a killer 'Disease X' vax or 'assisted' medically to die because I'll have been ruled incurably mentally ill for being an enemy of the state.

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I cannot disagree

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Thank you for these recollections. It takes effort to remember this stuff. It’s so tempting to let it all fade away, out of mind.

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Oh, I spent 3-4 months writing my submission to the POEC from 22 pages down to 5-6...my memoir's done. I look forward to adding your book to my growing collection of pandemic and Convoy memories.

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I found it emotional to read that post. it brings back the fear and trauma of being outcast from society and blamed for a spreading disease. Everything became unstable, our future was in question. No one stood by us. Even family members deserted us. For those of us that experienced being excommunicated and threatened with fines and further exclusion, we have been changed forever. We will be at the overpass on the 23rd.

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This post is a keeper.

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Thank you Donna! Awesome!

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