read Part 1 of this series here: Fireworks & Applause

AUTHOR NOTE: When I initially published this material about Jake & Lynnette, trucker & wife from Saskatoon, they were out-of-the-country. I wasn’t certain if the videos on which I was basing my research were backed up, and worried they might get censored by Facebook. I therefore assigned this couple the pseudonyms Ted & Sally. After they returned, they backed up their videos & consented to the use of their real names.
Leaving Thunder Bay is a bit of a production for the Freedom Convoy. Having camped overnight on the western edge of this city of 100,000, the truckers now have to make their way through town, sharing the road with weekday morning traffic.
It’s Thursday, January 27th. Commuters are joining and leaving the same highway the trucks are using, so the Convoy keeps to the middle lane when possible.
Sally tells us there was an hour of preparation, grouping vehicles together, prior to departure. Trucker radio chatter suggests it takes another hour for all Convoy vehicles to get on the road, even with the assistance of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) at key intersections.
At the top of this post, we see a long line of trucks stretching behind Ted and Sally in their large side mirror. Below are a few more screen captures from the video she takes that morning. The first shows an electronic highway sign advising motorists: “Truck convoy in progress”:
next installment: Fork in the Road read Part 1 in this series here: Fireworks & Applause
While I’m on the topic of Convoy books - how is your book coming along Donna. Because of double digit inflation (and my anger against Trudeau’s constant increases in alcohol taxes) and that my pension is fixed at my 2012 rate - I have decided some new year to stop drinking my daily supper time beer to allow me to buy convoy books as gifts to my family and Freedom loving friends.
a natural and organic uprising, that's what they don't expect