They Begged Me Not To Leave
Morning coffee, clean laundry, lunch. Many people made the truckers feel welcome.
Csaba Vizi, the immigrant whose life was profoundly disrupted when COVID vaccine mandates were applied to cross border truckers in January 2022, says he received immense public support during the three weeks he protested in Ottawa.
In an interview with Bright Light News, he says local residents “did pretty much everything. I got a lady who was taking my clothes and she washed them. I got people bringing my coffee in the morning…they bring me breakfast, lunch.”
He estimates a few hundred individuals approached his truck each day, some of whom returned regularly:
I had people came to my truck every day to ask me how I am. You know, it was something which I cannot describe to you. I never thought people can be like this. We was laughing. We was crying. We was hugging each other.
Elsewhere in the interview he says:
You know how many people they came to my truck and they kiss my hand? They begged me not to leave.