Far fewer people use Twitter than use Facebook. Nevertheless, Twitter is influential because journalists and politicians pay close attention to it. Over the past week, something remarkable has been occurring on Twitter.
In what has been described as a digital convoy, Canadians from all walks of life have expressed their dismay with the Prime Minister. Typically, they post a photo of themselves, some biographical info, and a brief explanation of why they disagree with Justin Trudeau’s vaccine policies. Then they reference the insulting manner in which Trudeau habitually speaks of individuals such as themselves.
More than half a million tweets employing hashtags such as #TrudeauMustGo, #TrudeauResign, and #TrudeauHasGotToGo have now been sent. Some of these tweets talk about the Freedom Convoy. Which means this Twitter storm is another opportunity to discover what kind of people participated. Who were these folks? What are their stories?
Another post that brings me almost to tears! I don’t exactly understand how Twitter works, or I would jump on the bandwagon too… Really feeling hopeful with this information Donna! What a great start to my day.