Dave is a 33-year-old HVAC tech from Ontario who spent most of February in Ottawa with the trucker convoy. During that time, he started the YouTube channel Live From the Shed.
Dave delivered the brilliant, 4-minute speech in the video above at a freedom rally in Toronto on March 19th. I’ve transcribed it below:
The first time I ever climbed into a big rig I was just a kid. There was a feed truck driver in my area and he let me come along for a ride with him. The sound of the engine, the view from the cab, and all those glorious horns. What more could a boy want?
But more powerful and impactful to me than that truck, was the man behind the wheel. His simple wisdom and humility made a deep impact on me that will never be forgotten.
Thank you, truckers.
After nearly two years of living alone, having friends fear spending time with me, missing endless events, and eventually being denied access to businesses and from even cheering on my local hockey team because of my personal health choices, I heard about the convoy. I feared to hope, but hope I did - that finally someone, somewhere would stand up for me.
Thank you truckers!
On a cold day in January, I drove out to an overpass fully prepared to be the only one, hoping to catch a glimpse of these brave souls. As I approached the overpass I saw flashes of red and white, and as they came into focus, my eyes began to water as a sea of flags filled my vision. Because I was not alone.
Thank you, truckers!
For three weeks I was surrounded by the best that Canada has to offer. The truckers now had names. The sea of flags became a book of stories. Stories of our fellow Canadians, my brothers and sisters, who were pushed to the fringe and demonized by our leaders for the crime of wanting freedom. The horns heard around the world changed all of that and we are fringe no more.
Thank you, truckers!
As the fences went up, as the guns were loaded, and the troops began to move in crushing those in their way I was afraid. I came so close to walking away right then. But as I looked around at our drivers sitting proudly in their rigs, their names and their numbers plastered on their doors for the entire world to see, waiting and prepared to sacrifice themselves for me, the peace which transcends all understanding took hold of me and I sat down and I awaited my arrest.
Thank you, truckers.
And now, as the oppressive mandates begin to fall like a house built upon the sand, our politicians will try to take the glory. The same politicians who sought to divide us and crush all who disagree will claim to be the ones who saved us. When they try to ask for our thanks we will know what to say. We will say:
Thank you, truckers!
When every family is reunited. When every job is restored. When every child’s smile is able to shine once more. When our flag is not a crime, but a symbol of hope and freedom to the whole world. And when we reclaim the True North Strong and Free, what will we say?
Thank you, truckers! What will we say? Thank you, truckers!
Thank you so much. God bless you guys.
Read more about Dave here.
Subscribe to Live From the Shed on censorship-free Rumble here.
I watched from Montana and prayed that no violence would break out. I was dumbfounded by the schizophrenia I witnessed by switching from internet coverage to main stream media. As important as it is to tell the story of the hope, good will, comradery, and devotion to the groups efforts we have to let some of the light shine on the thuggery of the government. Keep the focus on the good and let the contrast tell its story as well.
Donna- You have chosen well.
When the truckers convoy was met with such an outpouring of love and support from all over Canada, it was the first time in two years that I had a glimmer of hope that the endless lockdown/masking/coerced injection nightmare was about to end.
We felt an incredible sense of elation as we saw the videos of people gathering at highways and overpasses with their flags. I had friends go to the overpasses near Hamilton and Burlington and they were astonished and buoyed by all the support from crowds that stood together in -10 and -20C temperatures to cheer on the convoy.
And then grassroots Canadians started pouring into Ottawa to see for themselves. My friend from St George, a gym owner was one. He drove the six hours to take part in the protest-turned-winter festival on the second weekend. His verdict:
It was incredible to be there. The feeling was that of your favorite hockey team winning the Stanley Cup 10-0. But when I got home and saw media coverage, it was like your team had lost the cup 10-0.
I don’t want to end on a sour note, but it’s going to take a lot of work by freedom-loving Canadians to oppose the creepy authoritarians in our federal government and their media cheerleaders.