Children are often horribly cruel. Raising kids is about civilizing/socializing them - teaching them about empathy, tolerance, kindness, humility, solidarity.
On the surface, Canadian society seems welcoming and inclusive:
Canada’s government also seems super keen to recognize (and defend the rights of) an ever-growing list of sexual expressions and identities:
But the pandemic showed us it’s all a shimmery mirage. Individuals who declined the vaccines for a multitude of individual reasons weren’t treated as though they belonged. Their uniqueness wasn’t respected. They weren’t made to feel valid and valued.
They were, instead, persecuted to an extent that’s shocking. Losing jobs, losing careers, being denied Employment Insurance, depleting their savings. Doctors, nurses, pilots, armed forces personnel, cops, paramedics, fire fighters. All of whom refused a medication that did nothing to stop the spread of the virus. Some of whom had been medically advised the risk of taking it was too high. Some who avoid all medical interventions with less than seven years of safety data. Some who believe they know someone killed by the vaccines.
For the past three years, children have observed the grownups around them. As cruelty and skapegoating became government policy, the kids were taking notes and taking cues. Once you give children permission to behave abominably, guess what happens?
Below, a mother from Prince Edward Island tells the truckers about her daughter, presumably aged 10. Her friends “have turned on her saying if she’s not vaccinated they won’t play with her. It breaks my heart.”
It should break all of our hearts.
Trudeau 2.0 - the World's Greatest Hypocrite
We experienced this too.