Scarring the Children
'One family was vaccinated, one wasn't, and the daughters were best friends.'
In recent years, government edicts have disrupted the lives of seven million Canadian children under the age of 18. Many will carry COVID-era scars for the rest of their lives.
One of the reasons the truckers went to Ottawa is that although the social fabric was violently fraying, no one was acknowledging or addressing this. The media wasn’t promoting dialogue and accountability. Instead, it had become a servile creature, a mere parrot amplifying simplistic government messaging.
Among the topics journalist Marianne Klowak tried and failed to report on before she left CBC Winnipeg in despair in late 2021 concerned COVID vaccines and kids. In her view, parents in the community were expressing credible concerns, posing legitimate questions, and voicing understandable frustration. As she puts it:
They were fed up with their kids being threatened and bullied in school, for not being vaccinated. I'll tell you one story. There was a rural community and this mother phoned me and there were two families. One family was vaccinated, one wasn't, and the daughters were best friends.
And one of the daughters said, ‘Well, you know, if you wanna get the shot, you can come over to my house on the weekend and my mom will take you and your mother never has to know.’
So that was the end of that friendship. That was the end of that, and it divided the whole community.
This is the evil perpetrated by governments. By chief medical officers. By health bureaucrats and doctors so preoccupied with achieving arbitrary vaccine targets that common sense, decency, prudence, and circumspection all went out the window.

We must never forget this lesson. We’re just a statistic to the medical establishment. The people in charge don’t see living, breathing human beings. They don’t care about best friends torn asunder. They don’t care about heartache and ruptured communities. They’re OK with 12-year-olds making profound medical decisions without their parents’ knowledge.
This is why, by the time the Freedom Convoy hit the highway, millions of Canadians had reached a breaking point.
So true. Friends torn apart and families torn asunder.
When will enough be enough?? - Sheila Annette Lewis (58) has had her request denied for a lung transplant since receiving a terminal lung diagnosis in 2019. She has recently been down by the Supreme Court of Canada to have her case heard and they’ve added insult to injury by calling for her to cover the legal costs of the opposing Health Service! Pierre Trudeau eliminated the death penalty for killers in 1976 yet everyone seems O K with this poor law abiding citizen being granted the death penalty by the CANADIAN INJUSTICE SYSTEM AND HEALTH SYSTEM??? - Yesterday at the library I photocopied an article in the London Free Press about an 8 month pregnant nurse who has worked at the London Health Services Centre for 12 years and who was on maternity leave in 2021, then put on unpaid leave for declining to be vaccinated - is set to be fired this week! - Trudeau claims the mandates are dropped - What is politicians like Danielle Smith and Pierre Poilievre Doing about it - What is the MSM doing about it while 99% Of Canadians seem to be ok with these things?? GOOD GRIEF- GOD HELP US!!