How Many Were Coerced?
'He went right to the last day, right to the deadline, hoping something would change. Ended up having to do it.'
Part 1: Jonker Brotherhood

With regard to the government's claim that most truckers had done the right thing and taken the COVID vaccine, Tim Jonker asks:
How many of those wanted it? How many of those were coerced? I would say the majority of our guys that were vaxxed were coerced. He's got a $3,000-a-month truck payment. Or this is his job, it's what he loves doing. The coercion was extraordinary.
I have a good friend, he works for the bank. He's got six kids and his wife, eight mouths to feed. He went right to the last day, right to the deadline, hoping something would change. Ended up having to do it. And you call yourself a free country? It doesn't add up.
After the Convoy arrived in Ottawa, Tim says it became clear "a lot of Canadians wanted to help but didn't know how, and didn't know what." A friend back home offered to be a drop-off depot for donations that were later trucked to the nation's capital.
"By that first Monday, an unbelievable amount of stuff was coming to his house," Tim remembers. "Propane, diesel. Non-perishable food.” Reaching out to family and friends across southern Ontario, Tim organized similar depots in Aylmer, Cambridge, Fergus, Guelph, Hamilton, and Napanee:
I knew them all. I delegated. Collect and send, collect and send - that was the task. One guy owned a trucking company of, I think, six trucks at the time. I don't know if they all went, but for sure they had four or five there. Mennonite background, which is kind of interesting. Because the Mennonite faith, they typically stay out of anything to do with politics.
One of the ladies had a person reach out and say 'Hey, I wanna buy fuel.' So I got her set up with the fuel guy up there. And she purchased $15,000 of fuel in one shot.
People would drop off their propane tanks, 30-pounds and 20-pounds. 'If I get 'em back, great. If I don't, so be it.' And most people didn't get them back, because a lot of that stuff got seized. You don't know where it is and you're not gonna chase after a propane tank, right?
I asked a couple farmers if we could borrow their slip tanks, which is a tank that goes in the back of a pickup. Had two people say 'Yep, we'll send that.'
It was amazing. Whatever you asked for, whatever the need was, it was met.
Chatting with his buddy back home, Tim mentioned a craving for some spicy Dutch Gouda. 'And then I realized an hour later. I texted him and said, 'You don't need to ask people for Gouda.'
And he replied, 'Too late. Got a full wheel coming.'"
Tim laughs, "So we had some really good cheese."
next instalment: Necessities of Life
Informed consent was the second thing thrown under the bus, the first being individual rights.
If I had an employee who did not want to drive my company vehicle as they thought it might not be safe and I told them it was safe and to keep their job they had to drive it. Then they got hurt in an accident because the brakes were not checked and they failed. Would I be liable? What if I required them to get a vaccination that I claimed was safe & effective?