I need your help. The mainstream media is going to pretend this book doesn’t exist. A friend of mine looked for coverage of previous Freedom Convoy books and found almost none. In her words, “the results are dismal” (details below).
Which is why, dear readers, I need your help. Seriously. Please tell other people about this book. I’ve written many profiles for magazines and newspapers over the years. This is a big bundle of them, and represents the best journalism I’ve ever done.
Each chapter in Thank You, Truckers! is a peek into the heart of Canada at a particular moment in time. Early 2022. Nearly two years after two weeks to flatten the curve.
Three years ago, something extraordinary transpired in this country. We’re in a bad place at the moment. This book is 500 pages worth of reasons to feel proud of ourselves and our neighbours.
Based on Yvonne Cunnington’s research and notes, these are our conclusions:
Andrew Lawton’s The Freedom Convoy: The Inside Story of Three Weeks that Shook the World was excerpted in the National Post.
Bridgehead had a favourable review by Jonathan Van Maren, who describes himself as a podcaster talking about pressing cultural issues from a Christian perspective in a post-Christian age.
Tamara Lich's Hold the Line got no reviews in the mainstream. It did well on Amazon and she attended many freedom events to promote it. Published by Rebel News. Jordan Peterson and Tammy, his wife, had her on their podcast.
Tom Marrazzo’s The People's Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022. Tom got on Sheila Gunn Reid's show on Rebel News. Road Warrior News did a piece on the book.
Ray McGinnis’ Unjustified: The Freedom Convoy, The Emergencies Act, And The Inquiry That Got It Wrong is published by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Which did a video discussion with Ray. Global Research has posted multiple endorsements.
Benjamin Dichter’s Honking for Freedom: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope. No mainstream reviews.
Tom Quiggan’s Eyewitness to Deceit: Trudeau’s Infowar on Freedom Convoy 2022.
Barry Bussey’s 210° Celsius: 16 Ways the Truckers Ignited Canada for the Long Haul.
Kym Kennedy’s An Attic and a Blank Diary: Insights Into the Freedom Convoy 2022.
On it!
If you have read the book, please go to Amazon to write a review. It doesn't need to be long - a couple of paragraphs will do, but it is helpful to the algorithm to have a good number of reviews.