Government: A Fertile Source of Misinformation
Cabinet ministers made 'clearly incorrect' and 'grossly inaccurate' statements about the assistance given to Ottawa police during the Freedom Convoy.
During the inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act, witnesses talked about misinformation as if it were a problem confined to contrarians on social media. But the Closing Submission of former Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly shows that government officials are, themselves, a fertile source of misinformation.
If someone in our federal government had demonstrated genuine leadership by going out and talking to the truckers, the protesters would likely have dispersed after the first weekend. Instead, a government that meets with professional lobbyists on 24,000 occasions a year refused to have a single meeting with working people who’d driven thousands of miles to the nation’s capital. Rather than being a grownup, the Prime Minister called them names. Rather than negotiating with the protesters, he told police to get rid of them.
According to Chief Sloly, the Ottawa force was understaffed at the best of times. Even after cancelling vacations and days off, there still weren’t enough personnel to deal with a significant, extended protest on top of normal duties.
From the beginning, the media failed to behave responsibly. It whipped up hysteria. It smeared and sneered. It sowed suspicion and fear of small town Canada, of those who see the world differently, of people who’d reached their breaking point. Big surprise a portion of the public did, in fact, become hysterical. As the protest dragged on, the pressure became intense. In lieu of pursuing a political resolution to what were clearly political grievances, slimy politicians pointed fingers at the Ottawa police. While simultaneously hamstringing them behind the scenes.
Page 43 of Chief Sloly’s Closing Submission says federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino falsely told the world - on February 3rd - that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had provided all the resources the Ottawa police had asked for. Four days later - on February 7th - he insisted 250 RCMP officers had been dispatched to Ottawa.
But the reality was quite different. Until mid-February, say his lawyers, the maximum number of RCMP officers available to the Ottawa force on any given day was 60 - far less than the number required.
It was the same story with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). On February 6th, Ontario’s Solicitor General Sylvia Jones falsely stated in an official document that “more than 1,500” OPP personnel had already been sent to Ottawa. In the words of Chief Sloly’s lawyers, this was “grossly inaccurate” (pages 80, 107).
Government ministers at both the provincial and federal level, they insist, made misleading statements about the degree of assistance Ottawa police had received. Statements that were “clearly incorrect” (page 53).
Which means Cabinet ministers were spreading misinformation. Misinformation that just happened to deflect blame away from themselves. That just happened to make the Ottawa Police Service look incompetent while turning the chief into a scapegoat. Ottawa’s first black police chief, a Jamaican immigrant, got thrown under the bus.
But wait, it gets just a little bit worse. The media was part of this slimy spectacle. You may recall I wrote about the CBC running a hit piece on Chief Sloly within hours of the Emergencies Act being declared:
Accidentally tapping send prematurely- Liberal and NDP Parties? - If so let me put my name on the top of the Demand For Ontario’s Separation from Canada Document!!
For as long as I can remember, this 78 year old Canadian can only think about how Quebec has been threatening to separate from the rest of Canada - now Alberta is justifiably considering doing the same. This morning, I just thought what would be the consequences if us Ontarians not only thought about separating but actually did. Would that mean we could hire up the largest dozers in the world to raze and push all the debris of the Parliament Buildings on the river and deport or jail all the MP members of the Liberal and NDP