Garbage, Lies & Hogwash
Former journalist excoriates the media, says CBC has betrayed Canadians.
Earlier this month, former Canadian journalist Rodney Palmer spent 75 minutes testifying before the National Citizen’s Inquiry. He says the CBC betrayed Canada and Canadians during the COVID era.
Rodney was in Ottawa by chance when the Freedom Convoy arrived. At the 40:35-minute mark in the video above, he first mentions the truckers. Beginning at 42:10 minutes, he shows us brief video clips of the two drivers he randomly spoke to first.
Neither are Caucasian, and both are adamant that much of what gets said about the Convoy is “garbage,” lies, and “hogwash.” In the words of the trucker below:
I’m not too sure where they’re getting that from, or who they’re looking at, or who they’re talking to, because this is nothing like that.
When he’s asked “Why are you really here?” this chap replies:
I’m here to stand up for fellow truckers, and to push back. Because the government keep pushing us, pushing us. And it’s not democratic anymore if the government is trying to control the people and forcing you to do things against your will.
Rodney did an interview with Bright Light News a while back that explores similar themes. I wrote about it here: