Dispatch from Small Town Ontario
Protesters recited the Lord’s Prayer & sang the national anthem. Then the Prime Minister called them hateful.
Yesterday I attended a local Million March 4 Kids rally, one of dozens held across this country. I hadn’t planned to, but late the night before a friend said she was going because a young person had told her LGBTQ+ stuff is everywhere in the schools right now, and that students aren’t permitted to dissent. It’s being shoved down their throats. My friend said she felt the need to speak out, because that young person could not.
Hours later, there I was with more than a hundred others parading down a sidewalk in a town of 16k. There were numerous Canadian flags, some attached to hockey sticks. Many of the truckers who drove by honked their support. Placards read:
Leave our kids alone
Hands off our kids
Protecting values, preserving innocence
Inclusivity includes parents
God save the children
Teach geography, not pornography
Many kids are dreadfully behind academically due to pandemic school closures and interruptions. But the education system shows little sign of knuckling down and closing that gap. Rather than focusing on their core mission, Canadian schools are telling children they can choose to be another gender - and that it’s OK to keep this choice a secret from their parents.
Say, what? Schools aren’t allowed to give a child an aspirin without consulting a parent. Grown adults don’t talk to other people’s kids about sex. It’s taboo for good reason. The relative power imbalance means the potential for abuse is immense.
Elementary school teachers are not psychologists. They have no training whatsoever that might equip them to guide someone else’s child through a gender transition, never mind a clandestine one. A wave of lawsuits is definitely incoming. There will be accusations of negligence, misconduct, exploitation.
Parents are understandably concerned about what’s going on in the schools to which their beloved offspring are entrusted. Taxpayers are alarmed they’re funding a system that’s now indoctrinating children with radical gender ideology.
Yet human rights officials, labour unions, politicians, and the media have all closed ranks. According to this unholy alliance, any expression of concern is indistinguishable from hate. You must remain silent. No questions are permitted. No objections are legitimate. You don’t want to be called homophobic, transphobic, hostile to bisexuals, ultra-conservative, or far-right, now do you?
Canada’s Prime Minister received a mere 33% of the votes cast in our last federal election. Yet he consistently marginalizes and demonizes anyone who doesn’t share his worldview. We saw it with the Freedom Convoy. Here’s his response to the Canada-wide demonstrations yesterday:
Concerned parents and grandparents peacefully gathered together to express their political opinions. At the rally I attended, they recited the Lord’s Prayer and sang the national anthem. Rather than acknowledging their entirely reasonable perspective, Justin Trudeau libelled these good people.
At our event, less than 20 counter protesters were present, with their rainbow flags. I’d say we outnumbered them 10-to-1. Their signs (and chalk markings on a bridge) proclaimed:
Protect trans youth
Kindness not hate
Hate has no home here
Love has no gender
Love is love
Trans lives matter
The future is not binary
Hate is not welcome
I expect they’re mostly lovely people. But they naively imagine our schools are staffed by uniformly competent, conscientious, mature individuals. They are apparently unaware that teachers are human beings, with human shortcomings.
Some behave like full-fledged gender activists in the classroom. Some are sexual molesters. Still others are straight out of teachers’ college, with little experience of the world, scant humility, and a head full of faddish nonsense.
Once again Trudeau uses his magic spell words - does he think the Canadian public is still entranced by this? Imagine how intelligent this man is to rely on name calling trying to emotionally blackmail us.
Rebel News in Supreme court today and Canadian tax payers are again paying Trudeau's legal bills to fight what is said about him in public. All leaders that admire China approve of this tactic. Use public funds to squash any and all things said about you in a negative light, no matter what the cost. Sounds like a UN WEF led 'Dictatoe' plan to me...