Anita Krishna, Independent Thinker
'I don't know how many times I was told to stop talking.' In a newsroom.
The same day that CBC veteran Marianne Klowak told the National Citizens Inquiry our national broadcaster has become a propaganda arm of the government, a former Global News employee gave similar testimony.
Anita Krishna has worked in television broadcasting for 25 years. When the pandemic began, she was a Control Room Director with Global News’ national newscast. As a behind-the-scenes technical person it was her job to take the bits and pieces - different news stories on any given day - and knit them into a smooth TV broadcast.
As the pandemic wore on, she says it became clear “there were things that we were not reporting.” Rather than acknowledging that real life is uncertain and complicated, she says Global provided a tidy, sanitized view. A view that couldn’t be challenged. Numerous ideas weren’t tolerated, she says, within the confines of her newsroom:
that the origins of the virus were far from clear
that the virus might, in fact, be man-made
that COVID vaccines might be harming people
that COVID vaccines might be causing miscarriages in pregnant women
that Hydroxychloroquine might help people recover from COVID
that Ivermectin might help people recover from COVID
Anita, who’s ethnically East Indian, was well aware that the government of Uttar Pradesh (an Indian province of 240 million people - six times Canada’s entire population) believes it kept COVID deaths low by distributing Ivermectin to COVID patients, close contacts of those patients, and healthcare workers.
But after she raised this with a senior person in the newsroom, she says, “My boss sent me an email saying ‘Anita, you need to stop talking about COVID.’ So I wasn’t even allowed to talk about this.” So much for diversity and inclusion.
That same news organization, she says, “ran stories making Joe Rogan look like an idiot for taking Ivermectin. That was done on purpose, and that was wrong. It just led people to believe” a predetermined point-of-view.
Anita says her colleagues simply refused to engage in debate:
I’ve never seen an event in my life where you cannot go to someone to talk about it. Like a senior producer. Like a news director. And express your concern. They would be open to your concern.
You know, if you had a news tip to give someone, they would at least take it on board. They wouldn’t say ‘No, no, no. Stop talking.’ I don’t know how many times, there, I was told to stop talking about something.
In her words:
working at Global was like working in a Twilight Zone during the pandemic…
everything that you thought would have ever made sense - for choice, for freedom, for your health - just went out the window.
Below is a screenshot from the Nobel Prize website (highlighting by me).
When that organization awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine to Satoshi Omura - the Japanese chemist who discovered Ivermectin - it published the following information. Please be sure to read the last line.
Thank you Donna- I followed Anita Krishna carefully during the Truckers Convoy but have lost where I saved her videos. Good to be reminded and I also have lost the details of how well they did in India with ivermectin.
It is clear that these two women were silenced by their organizations leaders. As we move out of these restrictive times and note that so much of what these leaders allowed or mandated was not in our best interest and often outright harmful our vigilance for truth is a wall on heightened alert. This and very few other web sites sail over that wall every time. Thank you Donna.
On another note you might be interested in which details a review of the latest IPCC AR6. The IPCC has done little to reform after your efforts to expose their shoddy work which is where I first encountered and came to trust you. Thanks again