Why Aircraft Mechanics Went to Ottawa (Part 2)
Good people were forced to choose between economic destruction and unwanted medical treatment.
Part 1: Frozen Ketchup and Brand New BBQs Part 2: Three Men and a Van Part 3: Frozen Bank Accounts Part 4: Why Aircraft Mechanics Went to Ottawa Part 5: Why Aircraft Mechanics Went to Ottawa (Part 2) Part 6: From Hero to Zero

Why did Rich and his wife choose not to receive COVID vaccines? In his words:
When the vaccines started to roll out we put our critical thinking caps on and asked ourselves why the government was pushing these vaccines so hard? How can we know the vaccines are safe when they were developed in months and not tested clinically for years? Why are they pushing this on everyone when the [COVID] survival rate is 99.6% [for the majority of the population]?
For the crime of thinking for themselves, they both lost their jobs in a span of two days.
Being out of work after you’ve spent your life fully employed isn’t easy. Rich says the situation was
just sickening. First you force people, ‘here take an experimental drug or lose your job.’ Then you lose your job and then no [unemployment benefits]. It’s just completely heartless.
…We considered starting over in our careers but what would the government do next…we were afraid to start a business only to find out that they could take that away from us, as well.
…The level of stress, anxiety, and depression was unbearable. Tears from both my wife and I everyday for weeks until we were finally coerced into taking the vaccines…
After being out of work for a month, they both took the shots under duress. Rich’s wife was allowed to return to the office immediately, but he couldn’t do so until two weeks after his second dose. Several months later, in April 2022, they both caught COVID anyway.
This quiet, hard-working couple were at risk of economic destruction. In Rich’s words, “I didn’t want them to take everything from me.”
During the Freedom Convoy protests, some people were uncomfortable with the profanity on some of the flags and signs. But there are times when harsh language is understandable. Unforgivable things are being done to people. Those people have every right to be outraged.
In an e-mail Rich sent after our in-person interview took place, he says grimly:
There isn't a day that goes by that FUCK TRUDEAU doesn't come out of my mouth.
read about Dan, who protested with Rich in Ottawa for 3 weeks: From Hero to Zero: Dan's Story - After prepping humanitarian flights to China, this aircraft mechanic was barred from working.