As he was being pushed into the grill of a truck by police officers, as he was being assaulted with weapons and pepper sprayed directly in the face, Ben did not fight back.
The owner of the flatbed truck that convoy organizers used as a stage says he wasn’t willing to leave the protest site willingly, but that he didn’t resist in any other manner:
When I first arrived I had no idea the significance of what we were about to start there. I went to just join my friends and fellow truck drivers. And you know it didn’t take long…it was more than just a convoy.
It’s a war for freedom. And it’ll be the first war that’s probably been won by peace.
I hope it can stay that way. I’d hate to see people get hurt…It’s a war for our freedom in this country. Because it’s being taken away from us.
When asked what his message would be to critics of the Freedom Convoy, Ben responds:
I would ask a question. Since when has the Canadian flag and it being flown or waved around been offensive? I just can’t wrap my head around that.
When is standing up for freedom and your freedom of choice, when is that criminal? I don’t understand.
Truly, the two encapsulating questions. When did my call for freedom become offensive and How does my displaying and waving a Canadian flag cause harm?
That trucker is a far more intelligent philosopher than the mentally impaired group of maleducated people we are expected to bow to.