13 Convoys to Ottawa
Dismissed as a 'small, fringe minority' the trucker protest was massive.
The Tamara Lich/Chris Barber trial began last week, and some people are posting fresh Freedom Convoy content on social media. The 34-second video clip above was recorded by a woman who resides about an hour from Ottawa. She goes by the handle Country Chick on Twitter/X and, on Saturday, she posted it along with these remarks:
We went to Herb’s in Vankleek Hill, it was a rest stop where all the truckers from the East met up before heading to Ottawa…..it was an experience we will never forget.
I’ve mentioned journalist Ian Cumming’s coverage of that same evening at that same truck stop here. His written description provides context for this video. But she’s wrong about one small matter. All the eastern truckers did not meet there. There were far too many trucks even for Herb’s enormous parking lot. Some spilled over to a farm a two-minute drive from Herb’s. I’ve interviewed the owner of that farm, and hope to tell you about her soon.
Many other trucks from eastern Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces gathered elsewhere that night. As Trish Wood reported from the courtroom last week, an Ottawa police officer “testified that they believed only five convoys were on the way to the city and they ended up with thirteen.”
13 simultaneous convoys. This is worth dwelling on. The Prime Minister dismissed the truckers from western Canada as a “small, fringe minority” who represented no one. But those truckers inspired others. Their message resonated. Thousands joined in. By the time the western trucks got near the nation’s capital, protesters were arriving from all directions - indeed, two southern Ontario convoys (from Windsor, and from Niagara) were already there.
13 convoys.
And the courts are claiming Tamara and Chris were ring-leaders of this "attempt to undermine and overthrow a legitimate government". In actual fact, the arbitrary Covid dictates from manipulative politicians, unleash a backlash that overwhelmed everyone. Convoy organizer, the police, even the politicians and the general public did not see the scope of this endeavor. Censorship by public media kept Canadians and the public world form seeing just how many people knew that the accepted Covid policy was wrong.